Pousette Farouk Gaber Hamed
Ain Shams university hospitals
Saudi Arabia
Pousette Farouk Gaber Hamed is an Egyptian physician and a ‘Member of the Egyptian society of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Neurosurgery’ started career as a House Officer (1999-2000) at Ain Shams university Hospitals and then as a Resident in Neurology in Neurocritical care department of Ain Shams university Hospitals (2000-2004), worked as an Assistant lecturer in Neurology for 3 years and promoted as Lecturer in Neurology at Ain Shams university hospitals from 2008 till now and also served as a Neurologist in Ibn Sina Tertiary neurology hospital in Kuwait. She is specialized in management of cerebrovascular stroke patients, epilepsy, movement disorders, and general neurology cases and Professional Diploma in the research statistics SPSS from American university in Cairo.
Research Interest
Management of cerebrovascular stroke patients, epilepsy, movement disorders, and general neurology cases